Renaissance in Ferrara

Locandina mostra Rinascimento a Ferrara - Palazzo dei Diamanti 18 febbraio 19 giugno 2023

Ercole de’ Roberti and Lorenzo Costa

Palazzo dei Diamanti 18th February – 19 June 2023

Ercole de’ Roberti (Ferrara c. 1450 – 1496) was the heir of the Ferrarese Workshop, the youngest and most intelligent among those who participated in the cultural climate of Palazzo Schifanoia, in the last years of the government of Borso who just then received the title of duke (1471). He worked several times in Bologna, where he left a very deep imprint, but there is no doubt that in Ferrara he found the most suitable environment in which to express himself during the last decade of his life.

It was Lorenzo Costa (Ferrara 1460 – Mantua 1535), ten years younger, who inherited his legacy and continued his style in his early works. But during a long stay in Bologna his painting changed in the direction of greater softness, of a calm and relaxed classicism. The world was changing, Leonardo and Perugino were imposing a new “manner”, which Costa immediately understood and of which he was among the major interpreters, even after his transfer to Mantua to the Gonzaga court.

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